Monday, September 10, 2012

9 pounds down!

Boy was I surprised when I got on the scale on Saturday and saw that I have lost 9 pounds so far. Even though I fell off the wagon as far as exercising goes last week. I still ate pretty good for the most part. I only went to the gym one day. I did some weight lifting and stretching in my living room over the weekend.

It probably also helps that I went to the San Diego Zoo on Saturday and Sunday which involved a LOT of walking up and down hills. I have been pretty good about eating great during the week and eating want I want over the weekend.

I didn't think I was really losing anything, once it is hard to tell when you see yourself everyday. I haven't done any measurements since I don't have a measuring tape, but I can feel my shorts getting a bit looser.

I am going to make this week count!

Here are some quotes for today:


  1. Try getting a pedometer and see how much you walk each day and then try increasing it little by little.

  2. Good idea! I have been making sure to walk more by taking the stairs and parking further away and stuff to.
