Friday, August 24, 2012

I worked out a little too hard

Two days ago I decided to climb stairs near my work on my lunch break. The stairs are steep and their are about 80 of them... I did it twice, then went to the gym to work out my legs.

Bad news bears!

Now my calves are sore as hell. I couldn't work out yesterday so I laid on the couch and watch TV with ice packs on my calves. They still hurt today. Last time I do that.

Here are a few before/after photos that I find inspiring and make me believe I can do this:
Criss rocks!

Kayla rocks!

Kelly Osbourne! Love her!

Also who doesn't want this butt?

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I would be skinny if pasta and cheese were good for you

True Story.

Well I didn't lose much this week, only a half a pound. Considering I went on a camping trip and didn't count calories, I am glad I maintained and still still lost a little. Usually vacations are a recipe for me to gain at least 5 pounds. So kudos to me for not gaining and getting in some exercising while I camped.

I did great as far as the gym went last week. I worked out everyday after work except Mondays when I play kickball. I have been making sure to go on a pre-game run this way I can add a little more cardio to my Mondays.

So I got the new issue of Shape and Self in the mail. I know a lot of fitness people have issues with these types of magazines, however for me they are a source of motivation. If I slip up or forget to work out, then I see one of these mags in my mailbox it will remind me to work out.

I have read a TON of weight loss stories recently which are really inspiring. I believe I can actually lose weight by next May. Fingers Crossed.

MANTRA: I need one to tell myself everyday. Any thoughts? What kind of mantras do people have?

Here are a few more photos of inspiration:

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Week 2 - 31 pounds to go, so far so good

4 pounds down.

So here we are 2nd day of the second week. So far so good.

Last week I kept track of everything on my Lose It! app and worked out 3 nights for at least 1 hour and lost 4 pounds!

I have committed to a strict 1450 calorie a day diet and exercise during the week and then something a little more relaxed on the weekend. This way if I mess up on the weekend, I know I have to get back on the horse on Monday. In the past I tried to eat perfect and exercise 7 days a week and the
second I messed up I never went back. So I'm thinking this is more realistic. I am hoping that over time I will develop a habit of healthy eating and exercise and I will be able to do this 7 days a week.

So after my first post I got some great feedback from some friends and family members. I also got some great tips.

My cousin, Amy suggested I listen to Jillian Michaels podcast, so I am currently listening to that all day today at work on my headphones. it is a nice change from my iTunes playlists.

She also gave me a few quotes I love:

I also recruited 2 friends to help me: Beth and Katie

Beth is a member of the same gym as me. We work out together often, she is also a super healthy vegan. She has offered to give me some tips and help me stay motivated.

Katie is also trying to get in shape. So we have committed to checking in with each other every Monday as well as keep in touch via email/texts during the week to share any tips.

I think having some friend's support and having to be accountable is going to make a big difference.

Could I possibly run a marathon?   Hmmmm, I don't know. I have looked in to doing a marathon. I can't run for more than 10 minutes, so maybe I can walk a marathon? I saw that there are a few coming up in January. I am thinking about joining one of those training groups who prepares for marathons. I have seen a ton of weight loss success stories where people got in shape by running and preparing for a marathon. So that's an idea.

Well that is all for now.

Friday, August 10, 2012

35 pounds to go!

So I need to lose 35 pounds.

35 pounds.... doesn't sound so bad. Right? In 10 months? hmmm. Is that realistic?

I would like to not be completely obese for my sister's wedding next May. I already ordered the dress in a size smaller then I really am, so I gotta do this. I need to lose at least 20 pounds for the wedding, but 35 is my ideal weight goal. Here is the dress I need to fit into:

Plenty of reasons to lost weight:

- stay healthy
- feel better about myself and feel more attractive
- clothes will fit nicer
- look good at Lindsay's wedding
- add years on to my life
- less strain on my back and feet
- breath easier when I lay down

Tools to help me succeed:

- Lose It! app on my phone. It tracks all the food I eat and shows me how much further I have to go on my weight loss journey.

- Gym membership. I have been going 4 times a week for an hour and a half. I do a combo of running on an elliptical, stretching, and weight lifting. I also have a gym partner in my friend, Beth.

- Books. I bought a few books that will keep my motivated including a Chicken Soup for the soul- Weight Loss version, which I read a story a night to help me stay inspired. I also bought some weight loss memoirs of other people who have successfully lost weight. 

- Blogs. I bookmarked  a few blogs that talk about fitness and weight loss. This will give me new work out ideas, food ideas, and help me stay on track.

- Kickball. I play kickball in a league every Monday night. This help me get a little extra exercise as well and it is so much fun!

The straw that broke the camels back:

There have been several (and I mean several!) times in my life where I have decided to go to the gym or start a diet. I usually do it for a bit and lose a few pounds only to quit when I miss macaroni and cheese and cheese enchiladas. 

So I gained like 10 pounds this year. I became the typical fucking girl who gained weight when she got a boyfriend. I know...dumb. Last month I went to NJ to visit my sister who just had a baby. My whole family was there even my mom from Florida. During my trip we had to go to try the bridesmaids dresses on....NIGHTMARE! I hate trying clothes on and being the fatty of the group. To top it off the entire week I was there my family would always find a round about way to mention my weight.

"Amanda, have you seen this cool new app? It tracks your food intake."

"Remember in college when you had a gym membership and lost a bunch of weight? What was that diet you were on?"

"Do you want to go take your little sister on a run?'

These are all other ways of saying "You got fucking fat, maybe you should exercise and stop eating." I get it. Not one person said "Hey Amanda, you look great." 

EVERY conversation turned into something about me and my weight. Other than the fact that I got to meet my new niece and see my family, it was the WORST vacation ever. It made me so depressed, I must have secretly cried 7 times while I was there. I came back to LA telling myself I wasn't going to NJ or FL for a long time so hopefully I can look better by the next time everyone sees me. I still have terrible confidence because of that trip. Just when I finally felt good about myself, my life, and my love life, I got kicked in the fucking face. Good one guys.

So here I am. 27, overweight, official member of Body Builders gym in Silverlake, and member of Weight Watchers/Lose It!

Over the next few months I plan to post photos and quotes that are meant to inspire me, document my weight loss journey, and feelings. 

I remember when I was at my skinniest and I thought I was so obese. Well this time I want to get back to that weight and actually feel good about myself.

Summer of 2006 with Dan and Nate.
New Year's 2012. The only thing cute about this photo is my boyfriend, George.

Wish me luck, I could definitely use it.