Monday, December 17, 2012


So I have been M.I.A. for a bit on this blog. I have been updating a lot more on my Tumblr page.

So I am down to 196! Which means I am 16 pounds down from this summer! My friend Tracy commented on it last night. I was nice to hear that someone can see the results, because when I look in the mirror I still feel 212lbs.

Hooray!!!!!  Hopefully I can maintain over he holidays, but Christmas only comes once a year so I am not going to deprive myself. However once I get back January 2 I will be back to the gym and such. Getting closer to my sister's wedding. I should see if her dress fits me yet. I haven't tried it on since early October.

My boss got me a Fitbit for Xmas which track the steps you take and the calories your burn. So that will help me once I start cracking down again in the New Year. It's crazy to see how many steps you take. I can't wait to start setting goals and such!

Happy Holidays Everyone!