Thursday, September 20, 2012

I bought new running shoes!

I recently noticed that my old running shoes were getting so bad my toe starting sticking out of the side. So I got new shoes over the weekend and have been pumped about trying to working them in. I have been going to the gym, taking hikes on my lunch break, and doing stretches in my living room.

I didn't lose any weight this week, but I stayed the same so that is better then gaining. I want so bad to get out of the 200s. I am so close. I am going to work my ass off this week so I can get there.

My bridesmaids dress comes in in December and I am adamant on making it fit me. I have been a size 13-14 for as long as I can remember, however somehow over the past year I became a size 16. I ordered the dress in my usual size 14 so I am praying I fit in it when it comes. I am actually hoping it is too big on me so I have to  take it in! Wouldn't that be a great feeling?!

I want this body. I have a long way to go. I ordered a book by Jillian Michaels recently that I can't wait to read. She has such a no bullshit/no excuses attitude. That is what I need.

I recently finished a book called Half-Assed. It is about a women who was 372lbs and lost half her body weight! How incredible is that! I obviously don't need to lose have my body weight, but it still helped to read it.

These two photos sum up what I have wanted forever.  have never had a flat stomach. I have had rolls for as long as I can remember. I was probably born with a fat roll. Until recently, I came to terms with the fact that I would always be chubby. But now after reading people's weight loss blogs and reading, I am feeling motivated that I will actually be able to do this.

The girl is my starting weight and end goal. I hope I can achieve this by next summer. Fingers crossed and gym shoes on!

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