Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Week 2 - 31 pounds to go, so far so good

4 pounds down.

So here we are 2nd day of the second week. So far so good.

Last week I kept track of everything on my Lose It! app and worked out 3 nights for at least 1 hour and lost 4 pounds!

I have committed to a strict 1450 calorie a day diet and exercise during the week and then something a little more relaxed on the weekend. This way if I mess up on the weekend, I know I have to get back on the horse on Monday. In the past I tried to eat perfect and exercise 7 days a week and the
second I messed up I never went back. So I'm thinking this is more realistic. I am hoping that over time I will develop a habit of healthy eating and exercise and I will be able to do this 7 days a week.

So after my first post I got some great feedback from some friends and family members. I also got some great tips.

My cousin, Amy suggested I listen to Jillian Michaels podcast, so I am currently listening to that all day today at work on my headphones. it is a nice change from my iTunes playlists.

She also gave me a few quotes I love:

I also recruited 2 friends to help me: Beth and Katie

Beth is a member of the same gym as me. We work out together often, she is also a super healthy vegan. She has offered to give me some tips and help me stay motivated.

Katie is also trying to get in shape. So we have committed to checking in with each other every Monday as well as keep in touch via email/texts during the week to share any tips.

I think having some friend's support and having to be accountable is going to make a big difference.

Could I possibly run a marathon?   Hmmmm, I don't know. I have looked in to doing a marathon. I can't run for more than 10 minutes, so maybe I can walk a marathon? I saw that there are a few coming up in January. I am thinking about joining one of those training groups who prepares for marathons. I have seen a ton of weight loss success stories where people got in shape by running and preparing for a marathon. So that's an idea.

Well that is all for now.


  1. Try doing a half marathon or a 5K so you don't have to run as long. Some 5Ks also are walk/run and are for a benefit. Here's another picture to keep you motivated. Great job Cuz!!

  2. I actually just looked into a 5K that is happening in a few months. I gotta start training. Thanks!
